Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 5

Today I am thankful for Skype! Throughout this process, skype has been so handy and reliable. I have been just seconds away from my family, boyfriend, and friends! It is quite wonderful! Skype allows me to be in the living room with my family! Skype allows me to laugh with my boyfriend like we did when I was home. I get to see friends and even animals! Its like I never left! Well, until the call is over. But that little slice of home is heaven! I think it is completely amazing how skype works! I am half a world away! There is an ocean, half of a country, and eight hours in between me and the ones I love. And its FREE! How awesome! I am so glad that I have the opportunity and ability to see my loved ones on a daily basis. Thank you skype!! 

See you tomorrow!

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