Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18

Today, I am thankful for naps! I love naps so much! They are one of my very favorite things! At home, I take one almost everyday. Here I haven't been taking as many naps. So today when I took a good hour and a half nap, I woke up feeling so much better! Naps just make me happy! I feel cozy and warm and comfy. Sometimes you just need those feelings in your day! And when you wake up, you feel refreshed and ready to keep going with your day! (Unless you are my best friend Hannah). Some people may call my a grandma, but I don't mind, I actually rather enjoy it. Grandmas carry wisdom and I think it is because they take naps sometimes! My life is so much better with naps thrown in here and there! I just love them!

Off to a very long, all night's sleep kind of nap! See you tomorrow!

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