Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 16 and November 17

On November 16th, I was thankful for that bike! I made it all around Odense! It was quick and efficient! I was very proud of myself for getting around on a bike! The saying "its as easy as riding a bike" is so not true! When you first get on a bike after so many years, its tough! You use muscles you didn't even know you had and you sweat a lot! But it was very handy! In the next few days I will probably walk funny because my legs and butt will be sore, but I'll just have to get over that! I'm so glad I got to see Denmark like a true Dane!

Today, November 17th, I am thankful for trains! Why the heck do we not have trains in America? They are so wonderful and fun and efficient and quick and fun! I really do like riding trains! Today, I rode two different cross- country trains in two different countries! (Plus two smaller trains and an underground train). Its fun to watch the world pass by. I also love trains because they make me feel so at ease. Its like driving a baby around the neighborhood to get them to fall asleep- that is how I feel on trains! I just love them!

See you tomorrow! (Really though! I'll get better at this daily thing.)

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