Friday, November 1, 2013

November 1

Seeing as it is November and a month full of thanks, I'm going to write down daily what I am thankful for! Everyday I'll get on and post about the great things that I'm lucky enough to have in my life! I will continue to make regular posts about my travels along the way! November is a full month for me! I'll be going to Bath, Warwick, Denmark, London, and Dublin! I have three midterm assignments due and Thanksgiving to worry about! Most importantly, my boy friend will be coming to visit! Man, do I love November! So get ready to read, read, read and hopefully keep up!

Today, November 1, 2013, I am thankful for the friends I have made here in Birmingham! Last night we had a Halloween party and it was so fun to be a part of it! My friends worked so hard to make everything wonderful and get everyone included! It was such a great feeling of comradey! These people are so nice and welcoming! They have definitely made this journey easier and more enjoyable for me!! I am grateful because I know that most of these friendships will last me past Birmingham and into my adult life! I am so grateful for their love and support and I'm excited to see that grow as we come closer and then as we move back home. What an awesome thing for me to know that I have friends from all over!! This world is a funny place! I'm glad we all ended up together here!

Until next time!

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