Friday, November 15, 2013

November 13, November 14, and November 15

Hello!! I'm so sorry that I've missed the last couple of days!! Wednesday, the 13th was full of getting things done!! All sorts of miscellaneous things! I got it all done and had a great day, but I was too pooped to write a blogpost. On the 13th, I was, and of course still am, thankful for stuff to do! I love being busy and getting things done. There is a sense of pride in doing things that progress you farther, whether it be for school, for your own well being, for the house, or for the future. I really do love getting things done! The best part of getting things done is being able to check them off your list! I love making lists and I LOVE checking things off of my lists!! I feel so accomplished and I'm proud to have been productive!

November 14th was a very special day and one worth much thanks! Yesterday, and always, I am thankful for Mo! Yesterday was our one year anniversary! I am thankful for his love and support of me, especially through this journey! He has been my shoulder to cry on. He has been my cheerleader and motivator! He has been by my side, guiding me and loving me! I am very thankful for his kind heart, his open mind, his listening ears, and his warm hug! I am thankful that he is my best friend and that we can laugh and lounge and explore and pig out and study and cry and pray together! We just have so much fun! And for that, I am thankful! I have loved watching him grow and I'm thankful for his ever- growing faith in God! I am thankful that I get to see him in a week and for the hard work he did to get himself here! He is so incredibly wonderful and I'm beyond thankful!!

Today, November 15th, I am thankful for the chance to explore Denmark! I got into Odense, Denmark last night and have already had a great time! I'm thankful for a friend to put me up and show me around her town! I'm riding a bike like a Dane and it is fun to experience somewhere new!! This whole journey has been something to be thankful for!! (There will be a blog about Denmark!)

I apologize for not having the Warwick, Bath, and Stratford- Upon- Avon blog up yet! I was trying to get it finished on my super busy Wednesday, but it took a while to load the pictures. I cannot publish something until it's perfect and it's not quite perfect yet! It'll be up Sunday for sure! I'll be back in the Burm and I'll have my laptop!

Until tomorrow!

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