Saturday, October 26, 2013

Birmingham- Unexpected Moments

Today I walked around this lovely city of mine again. And I saw, yet again, so many new things. This city is huge! But, somehow it finds ways to connect you back to where you've already been and it leads you home. 

Today, I found the canals. There is one right next to our flat and it leads straight to university, but there are more! Many more! I found the area where they all come together and where they have boats that ride along their waters. Oh, I want to ride in one of those boats and just see the city from its point of view! The whole area was quite charming and full of families! There must have been a Disney thing going on somewhere because there was an unusually high number of little princesses running about all dressed up with smiles on their faces! It was so cute seeing so many happy kids! After walking around the shops of the canals and through the symphony hall, I was spat out in front of the library (the big one that I found last week). To my surprise, there were motocross bikers riding around on their bikes! A crowd had come along and everyone watched as they flew up ramps and did tricks in the air. They were having a preview for a show they were doing in Birmingham. Quite clever, if you ask me; show the people the adrenaline- filled fun and get them to buy tickets to your show! It was very cool and a very unexpected moment of entertainment! 

I continued on. I passed the familiar museum and Town Hall and then headed in a direction I'd never been. I came upon a free art exhibit. I thought 'why not, it'll get you out of this wind!' The exhibit was for one man's whole collection of art. He had pastels and oil paintings, sculptures, charcoals and pencils. His paintings an drawings were beautiful! They were whimsical and held a certain amount of loving fun in them. The exhibit was appropriately named Love and Hope. The landscapes and city- scapes that came from the imagination of his mind were beautifully portrayed in color and texture. It was lovely to see the colors used to portray different feelings, emotions, and seasons. It was one of those beautiful moments where you knew you picked the right place to be, even if it was unexpectedly. 

I walked around a little more, looking for the Jewelry Quarter. After a while of mindless walking, I figured that it was farther out of my reach than I thought and that it should be tackled a different day. So, I just turned around and went the way I came. A couple more turns and new streets and I was back to the Bullring. Back to a very familiar place! There were the crazy Saturday crowds, but it still felt comforting to be there (not that the day was uncomfortable- don't worry Daddy!). And even through the familiarity of the shops and the stands and the mobs of people, there was another unexpected moment. Through the differences in people and languages and fashion styles, there was a difference in music. Musicians were out and performing for that extra buck. There was a trumpet here and a singing, guitar playing girl there, and to my surprise, there was a jazz band! I just had to stop and listen! 

It may not sound like I saw a lot, but I really did! That's the magic of this city. Birmingham has new things for you to see and old things for you to reflect upon. Even the run down neighborhoods show their industrial character. Looking at old brick buildings and seeing what must have been something important decades ago when Birmingham was at its height during the Industrial Revolution. Birmingham went unnoticed for a period of time when it was so important to the country as a whole. Now, you see this in the quieter parts of town and know that they hold so much history for this city. Not just the populated shopping district is an important part of Birmingham! This is a working city and has so much to offer to all walks of people. 

I'm very impressed at this city and how it moves and flows. Even though the people keep to themselves, you can feel the life in this city. We're definitely not in New Mexico any more, Toto! People don't smile at you as you walk by or acknowledge that you passed. At home, I've grown up smiling and nodding as I pass by someone on the street. Here, people very much hold to the term passerby. That is all you are. That is all they are. Just a passerby. And I'm not looking for the extra friendly trail talk of 'Isn't it a beautiful day!', but a shine of the eyes or the curl of the lips would be a nice gesture. I just hope that this doesn't change who I am when I get back home! So, if you see me walking past you, flash me a toothy smile and don't just be a passerby and don't let me be just a passerby!

Its time to go make some soup and some tea and get ready for this rain that's coming in. A cozy afternoon is just what I need! Hopefully the rain keeps me focused on my school work!

Until next time!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Finding My Way

This weekend I stayed in Birmingham. I needed to get some school things organized and I needed a little R and R. Its hard to admit out loud, but this journey hasn't been all rainbows and sunshine. Recently, I've felt very homesick and lost. Going into it, I had such a grand idea of what I thought this process would be and its not living up to my expectations. I knew that it probably wouldn't; I aimed really high, like my over- achieving self often does. But most things haven't even been great. So, I knew that I needed to get all my pouting and frustration and sadness out of my mind and body so that I was free to change my own path. My mommy, daddy, and boyfriend have been a huge support to me. They have seen me cry and cry. They have heard about this struggle, that struggle, and the next. They have sat there why I just stared angrily at nothing, feeling helpless and alone. They watched me cry some more. And, they told me that they loved me. They told me that I had options. They told me to stay positive. They pushed me to think differently and try new things. They gave me hope, because I didn't have it for myself.  

This weekend I have re- realized who I am and how I function. This experience is meant to be hard for me, because that is how I learn. I have always been pushed. My life lessons have not come easily. So, knowing that I have been wholly and finally completely emerged into this chapter of my life, I now have the strength to control how it affects me. I was told once that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you deal with it. My 90% has been full of confusion and negativity, but I feel now, that I can change that. I know that I needed to be angry and lost and confused. I know that most of that negativeness will no longer be present in this journey. I'm glad that this negative attitude was only around for about two weeks! And that I had a calming and relaxing weekend to deal with it. 

I have taken the time this weekend to find my way within myself and around my community. Friday, I ventured back to the Bullring shopping mall and explored more of it. Sounds like a bad idea, being a shopping mall and all. But I told myself that I wouldn't go into any clothing stores or look at any shoes! I did, however, make it into a home goods store and let me tell you, I'm a sucker for cute things that decorate, personalize, and make a house (or a dorm room) a home. But, I was really good (and very proud of myself) and only bought one little decoration. I bought a little heart that hangs on the wall and reads: Life takes you to unexpected places, Love brings you home. I felt that it was VERY appropriate and therefore, a MUST HAVE! I also bought another mug, but that was only because I dropped and broke the first one two days before. I also spent hours in a bookstore. I didn't bring my Bible with me to England because I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I needed a Bible. (It will also come in super handy for my History of Christianity lecture!) I also wanted to find something else that could lift my spirits. I found a little book of poems that make me smile like a child. They are filled with fun and love and make me remember my childhood. That was a good find! Its funny to think how words can be so moving. They, if used correctly, can be so full of emotion and motivation and they will push you to be who you want, to be who you see in the mirror. Words. They do that! I want to love like a child and smile like a child; have the heart of a child. And these words, put together in poems, do that for me. They make me see me. And isn't that what this weekend was about? Me? Yes, it really needed to be!

Saturday I explored more of the city again; but this time I went somewhere new! I found the city library! It is big and beautiful and modern and brand, spanking new. Locals were constantly walking through as though they were tourists. To me, it was new anyways. It is a ginormous place filled with work stations and bright colored, cushioned kids' areas and quiet research sections. There was a place for everybody here, even me. I got a 'filtered' coffee (they really only do espresso here, so it was awesome getting normal coffee) and the best blueberry muffin of my life! Not joking! I took my goodies up to the first floor and found a place to sit. (Side rant- This is one of the things I REALLY don't like about England. They call the first floor the ground floor and the first level up the first floor. So, it does technically make sense and I do understand why they do this, but its really annoying and confusing! If I'm not standing on solid ground, I'm not on the first floor. Ground, that's one. One up, is two!! Not that hard! End of side rant!) I unloaded my laptop, stuck in my headphones, and went to work. I read all my emails, I picked my essay topics for the end of semester essays, and I color- coded the heck out of my agenda. Each class has a different color and that color is ONLY used for that class. Call me ridiculous, but I feel organized! I even started on some of my research. After being stationed for two and a half hours, I was getting restless and my computer was running out of juice. So I packed up, colored markers and all, and went to peruse the library. It was even more massive than I first thought! After my level of overwhelmedness became unbearable, I decided to leave and find a different way home. I luckily ran into a post office and dropped off some postcards that I fortunately had with me (by fortunately, I mean totally planned). As I kept walking, I started to realize where I was. I had made a circle and was now in the familiar Bullring shopping area. I cheerfully moved through the herds of people and came out to my normal route home. The day had passed at this point and that means one thing, rain. Fortunately (again, totally planned and prepared), I had my umbrella in my backpack! Thankfully, I did! It was quite a rain; and not only that, but it was crazy windy! My umbrella even blew out and concaved. It was a struggle! But I fixed it, held it tight, and walked home as fast as I could. It had been a good day! But the night wasn't looking so good. This is when most of my emotions and realizations happened. After a good, long skype session with my mom, I had red, puffy eyes and a tired mind. I knew that I needed to wake up in the morning and be prepared to prove to myself that I could do this, that I could turn this all around and make this journey the experience of a lifetime. I mean it couldn't be that hard, the last two days had been a turning point; they had been positive days where I realized that I can be all alone and still find happiness and adventure. 

So, I woke up this morning ready for a change. I had cleared my head and opened my heart. I was willing to accept what was to come my way and I was prepared for it. I can't plan up what I want to happen, I just have to let it happen. Today, I found a church. City Church. It was a beautiful walk away from my flat and a good opportunity for my heart. I needed to find a church. I needed to find this church. It came right at the right time. I have found my way! I had multiple people come up and introduce themselves to me and then take me to introduce me to others. It was a warm and welcoming and very needed feeling. Maybe my grand idea wasn't supposed to happen. Maybe its someone else's grand idea. Maybe I need to listen to myself less and listen to Him more. Today I re-realized that I can find my own way, but that there is someone laying down the bricks right in front of me before my feet take me there. He's got a plan for me and I'm finally open to it. My 90% of reacting is finally defining the me that I want to be. My actions and thoughts and feelings are all part of the Jamie that is growing and learning and loving this experience. I have turned this attitude around and I have found my way in this journey. England, watch out, I'm prepared for whatever you have to throw at me now!

Until next time.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Northern Wales

This past weekend, October 10- 12, I went to Northern Wales with two of my friends, Elizabeth and Maddy. We stayed in a youth hostel at the top of a really big hill that had some of the most incredible views. We were in the town of Llanberis. It doesn't have its own train station, but the whole area has a really awesome bus system. We trained into Bangor and took a twenty minute bus into our town. Wales is very hilly and has little towns just nestled into the sides of the hills. Llanberis is one of those towns. Altogether, we visited Llanberis, Bangor, Conwy, and Caernarfon. We didn't learn any Welsh, but we did at least learn how to pronounce each town name. One awesome thing about Wales is the fact that they are a bilingual country; they officially speak both Welsh and English. All of there signs have both Welsh and English on them. It can be a little confusing!

I love Wales! It is a beautiful place to get away. I felt very at peace the whole time that I was in Wales. I felt like I was at camp. Each night I could see so many stars! The smell of the crisp outdoor fall was comforting and relaxing. The weekend was one big God moment for me. I felt very blessed and at peace with myself. I guess the outdoors will do that for you! It was a true blessing to be able to experience such an amazingly beautiful place!



The town was very colorful! It is a very outdoorsy kind of town. Most people come here to do some serious hiking. There is a 'large' mountain right on the edge of town, Mt. Snowdon, and people come from all over to hike it and through the wooden hiking trails all around. 

Dolbadarn Castle

In Llanberis, on the edge of the lake, near the quarry was an old castle. It only had a single tower standing, but there were remnants of what it used to be. This is Dolbadarn Castle

Over the stream and through the trees to the castle we go! The forest area that we had to walk through was just like a fairytale. I was waiting for talking woodland creatures to pop out and give us flowers for our hair. It was just so peaceful and picturesque.



From the castle tower window. Part of the lake in front. The quarry is to the right. 

National Slate Museum

This is the National Slate Museum in Llanberis. It is set in the industrial engineering workshops of the former Dinorwig slate quarry. This museum shows you just how the place was used back in its hayday and why it was important. The Dinorwig slate quarry is no longer in use, but it produced much of the slate that drove the industrial revolution in London. Back then, slate was mainly used for roofing, among other things. 

 On the grounds is the Chief Engineer's House. He lived at the quarry workshops just in case something happened. He was the one calling the shots and fixing problems. Here you can see his kitchen, his living area,  and parlor room. He and his wife would have had their bedroom upstairs.  



  Below is a painting of the slate quarry and the men that worked it. The original of this painting hung in the home of the owner of the quarry. He was a very rich man who never got his hands dirty. 

 You can see here how slate would have come into the workshop area. The train- like systems that they used brought slate all the way down the mountain and then into the workshop. 

This side of the building housed rooms for eating lunch, rooms where men would hand split the slate, and various different kinds of different discipline workshops. The lunch room was called the Cabin. It was full of picnic benches where the men would sit, eat, and gossip about their days, women, and work. Depending on your status, you sat at a certain distance from the warmth of the fire. If you were just a young lad, starting work, you weren't going to be very warm eating your lunch. But if you were one of the engineers on the project, you would be warm and happy while you wasted your time talking and singing away. Further along was the slate splitting room. We were lucky enough to see a demonstration of the hand- splitting technique. The picture below shows the different sizes of the slate. Skilled craftsmen would cut the slate with just a few tools, little time, and plenty of ease. The sizes of slate have female names, for example: Princess, Duchess, Countess, Narrow Countess, Wide Ladies, Broad Ladies, and Narrow Ladies. 

  Wales was one of the largest exporters of slate in the 19th century. But, not only was it exported around the world, it helped to drive the boom of houses being built in the English industrial revolution. There is other slate quarries in Britain, but slate for north Wales is considered the highest quality. 

Here, in the Vertical Sawshed, they would cut pieces of timber that they would use around the workshop.


 The water wheel harnessed the power that the quarry needed to use to keep it running. Power for the woodsheds; power for the bellows to melt scrap iron; and power for the blacksmiths' forges. It all came from the water wheel and the impressive set up that helped to harness all that power.  



 Views of the slate quarry:

Conwy Castle
Conwy Castle was built by King Edward I in 1283. It only took 4 years to build the castle and the wall around the city! Edward did actually live in the castle. He took over Wales and put it under English control. One of the other castles he built in Wales was for his son. It was a sign to the Welsh people that the King of England would care for them and protect them. He told the Welsh that he would have a son who only spoke Welsh and would grow up and live in Wales. He did have a son and gave one of the castles to him. That is where the title 'Prince of Wales' comes from. Charles, William, and Harry all hold that title today.


 This is the entrance into both the Great Hall and the Chapel. The picture on the right is a view from the basement storehouse. In the forefront of picture would be the Great Hall and past the arch that is still intact would have been the Chapel. 
Below is a good picture of the Great Hall. The ground is the level at which the hall would have sat. The hole on the farthest left would have been the fireplace. 

The left picture is the Chapel from down below. The right picture is on the ground floor, from the Great Hall. There would have been a wall- partisan, about where the arch is, that would have separated the Great Hall and the Chapel. The window in the right picture held stained glass. 
Below is a picture that looks down on the Great Hall and Chapel (and the basement room below).

The area between these hills once held the castle of the Welsh King Glyndwr. When King Edward took over, he over threw Glyndwr and that was the last of the Welsh royals. 

One of many towers apart of the castle. There were many lookout spaces, each with amazing views. Views of the city, hills, and the water! 
And of course, Elizabeth and Maddy being cute!

In a part of the castle that is separate from the 'festivities' parts of the castle, the King had his own chambers. He had a bedroom, a hall, and a chamber that were used by just him. When the castle was under attack in 1401 by Glyndwr, his men protected him in his special part of castle and he was kept safe.



That's right, I finally tried fish and chips! It was really good! I was very surprised! It got soggy after a while and I couldn't finish it, but I did try it and like it! 

 Not only is there a castle, there is a wall that surrounds the city. Can you see it below?

Plas Mawr

Plas Mawr is the oldest house in Conwy. Dating back to the 15oos, it was home to a very wealthy man, Wynn, and his family. We toured around the house with a great audio guide and saw that it had become very commercialized. The whole house had been renovated and it didn't even look like the oldest house in town. I know that they are trying to give a picture to how people lived back then, but I was somewhat disappointed at how overdone and touristy they made the house. I took a lot away, got to see how people would have lived in the 1500 and 1600s, and learned about their customs and traditions. It was a good and touristy stop. 

 This is the dining room with fireplace. Some entertaining would happen here. This is the first room guests would see upon entering the house. The family coat of arms is above the fireplace- it shows status. 
This is the kitchen. There was a chef with an assistant and servants who helped prepare all the meals. See the hanging crate? That was to store the food off the ground so rats couldn't get to it!

 This is the pantry where the game was kept. Bread was also made in this room.

 This is the parlor. It is one of the most important rooms in the house. If there was business to be had, it was conducted here. The family also had smaller parties in this room. They also loved it just as a family room; a place to be together. You can see of the renovated plaster work. In this time, plaster stated that you had a lot of money. The Queen's coat of arms is above the fireplace. It proves to others that the Wynn family is loyal to the crown. 

 This is the brewery. Mr. Wynn had a brewer to take care of his alcohol. This is another sign of status. 
 This is the garden and the courtyard. The Wynn family took much pride in being able to grow much of their own food and herbs. 

 This is the Great Hall. This is were guests were entertained and parties would take place. It was very prestigious to have a room like this and to have it on the second floor. Again you can see the coat of arms of the Queen; this shows to others how loyal the family is. This room was the most highly decorated and re-done. 

 This was Mrs. Wynn's room. She lived the life of luxury. 

She had her own Bible and many pieces of jewelry. She also had a linen trunk, a dresser, and a wardrobe. Her room had fabric running around the edges for warmth.  
All of the servants slept up in the attic. They didn't have beds or pieces of furniture. They propped themselves up against the wall and were lucky enough to have some blankets.  
Also in the attic was the laundry lady's quarters. She had a room that she shared with her two grown sons. Her job was a hot commodity in town and everyone was wanting to hire her. She did laundry for the Wynn family and the school Mr. Wynn had on the property.   

Caernarfon Castle and some of Caernarfon

We didn't go in the Caernarfon Castle, but it was beautiful from the outside. It too, was built by King Edward. It was never finished and never actually used. It was more a symbol of the King's power. As you can see, it has more of a geometrical structure to it. It was very well done and I thought it looked more impressive than the Conwy Castle. 

And that was Northern Wales! It was, altogether, one of the most naturally beautiful places I've ever been! I would definitely recommend visiting, especially for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. Wales holds this special feeling in it. There is so much beauty and history here. The Welsh are so proud of who they are and where they come from. It makes you want to appreciate, more than you already do, where you come from and the traditions that you hold. Its nice to see a people so happy and kind. Everyone here was so helpful and kind, not only in how they acted, but how they spoke to you. It was an all- in- all wonderful weekend! It was much needed for me to recenter and appreciate the things that make me me! 

Until next time!